Friends, Family, Countrymen:
I've just embarked on an epic journey of facial hair creation. Not a beard, lambchops, or those one of those ubiqitous 'soul patches.' Nope. I'm growing an honest to goodness mustache. Think Teddy Roosevelt. Emiliano Zapata. The Iron Sheik.
For vanity? For glamour? To get a rise out of co-workers? None of the above.
I'm sprouting the stache to raise money for the best little elementary school on the planet: Think College Now. Funny name for a school you say? We'll, here's the deal. It's an elementary school started by parents and teachers in the Fruitvale neighborhood of Oakland. It's a public school, but part of the grassroots "small schools" movement in Oakland. 94% of students are on free and reduced lunch, 68% are english language learners. Since it opened in 2003, it has raised student achievement at a shocking rate. From less than 25% of students achieving at grade level to more than 75% achieving at grade level.
Check it out yourself!
Contributing to my mustache-a-thon will go toward funding classroom technology that will help students continue to achieve these amazing results. We are helping them launch a career toward college! I'm growing with honorable bretheren throughout the country.
Thanks in advance for your consideration!
Keep it growin!!